Timothy F. Sullivan, Esq.
116 West Baltimore Avenue
Media, PA 19063
Phone: 610.627.0300
Fax: 610.627.1420
Email: tsullivan@tfsullivanlaw.com
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Estate administration - we can guide you through this complex process

We have experience and knowledge of this complex process and can represent you in all aspects of estate administration that includes:

  • Probate - the process that transfers legal title of property from the estate of the person who has died to the beneficiary

  • Non-probate transfers - this includes life insurance, annuities, qualified retirement plans, and trust assets of the deceased

Estate and probate administration requires achieving the goals and wishes of the deceased person, satisfying the requirements of the state and federal government, as well as probate court.

With the deceased assets, we assist the personal representative of the estate in:

  • Gathering

  • Valuation

  • Accounting

  • Distribution

  • Prepare tax returns

  • File appropriate document to release liens on deceased real estate

  • Handle any related litigation

Contact Us

If you need experienced and sensible legal representation, Contact Us.

116 West Baltimore Avenue, Media, PA 19063
PH: 610.627.0300
FAX: 610.627.1420
©Copyright 2011 - 2024 Timothy F. Sullivan, Esq.